I catch lies
in the story
of him
in the story
of me
(apple minded snakes and all)
I catch truth
but the words still come
like they are held in fizzy soda pop
instead of vocal cords
('it was him, not me')
I don't like being
the liar
the one to blame
I would rather not ask for forgiveness
if it means I'm wrong
if forgiveness
is the strongest superpower
strength lies in my weakest point
so wrong is wrong
and here I say sorry
sorry I hid
sorry I lied
sorry I was so afraid
of what you would think
I didn't give you a chance to think anything
sorry I am still hiding
because I am afraid of you
afraid you will not love me
for who I really am
(clothe me)
sorry for seeing each of you
as a need to pretend
instead of seeing you as a lifeline to love
I got lost in being right
stuck in the wrong song
wrong key
(eden was there)
(promise was there)
I forgot
if sin is the act of hiding away from God
and the darkness this act creates is what creates death/ pain
and if hiding our nakedness from each other stems from this act
(every sin is found in relationship)
maybe the naming of rules / law
was an attempt to call us out
(towards him/ each other)
(towards him/ each other)
and instead we followed the rules
and hid (again) behind right