Monday, January 28, 2013

My people

You know they are your people
When they refuse to engage 
That blackened story crafted in youth
Actively carried on each morning 
Told to gather pats

You, my people, instead
Hold my head in your hands 
Collect my eyes 
Even feeble, fearful 

You show me my brightness
Dingy reflection 
But still, light 

You will know them 
When they resist the urge to look away 
As your voice cracks

They hold that gaze 
As long as it takes 
To rewrite the lines told 
With a bold ending worth believing in

When I pull that thread as hard as I can 
Only to come undone 
My people do not wrap me up 
Sheets stay folded 
They wait

They sit with me 
All gawky 
And we laugh
Heaving laughter
We are ridiculous together

You are my people 
A tribe
Tiny gang 
And I return, kindred 
Believing each of you worth the effort 
To bare all with 
To story tell with 
To pioneer and burrow with

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Here’s What Our Parents Never Taught Us, Shinji Moon

Posting this seemed important to me today, maybe because I am molting.  

The poetry of Shinji Moon is all kinds innocent while at the same time breathless... And I love that. 

Here’s What Our Parents Never Taught Us, Shinji Moon

Here's what our parents never taught us:

You will stay up on your rooftop until sunlight peels away the husk of the moon,
chain smoking cigarettes and reading Baudelaire, and
you will learn that you only ever want to fall in love with someone
who will stay up to watch the sun rise with you.

You will fall in love with train rides, and sooner or later you will
realize that nowhere seems like home anymore.

A woman will kiss you and you'll think her lips are two petals
rubbing against your mouth.

You will not tell anyone that you liked it.
It's okay.
It is beautiful to love humans in a world where love is a metaphor for lust.

You can leave if you want, with only your skin as a carry-on.

All you need is a twenty in your pocket and a bus ticket.
All you need is someone on the other end of the map, thinking about the supple
curves of your body, to guide you to a home that stretches out for miles
and miles on end.

You will lie to everyone you love.
They will love you anyways.

One day you’ll wake up and realize that you are too big for your own skin.

Don't be afraid.

Your body is a house where the shutters blow in and out
against the windowpane.

You are a hurricane-prone area.
The glass will break through often.

But it's okay. I promise.

a stranger once told you that the breeze
here is something worth writing poems about.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Courageously Move Towards Others

"It's this simple, we need each other. I wish I could open your eyes to the interdependent web of all existence. You're an integral part of it! We weren't meant to travel alone, and yet we do just that - we go to our separate corners and suffer in silence. We carry our burdens and wounds alone, we wrestle through our fears, hurts, insecurities and confusion on our own. I have a request that's going to require something big of you. Come out of hiding! Risk being vulnerable. Open up yourself to another human being, and show up and be this for others. Our lives are an hourglass and our days are slipping away like grains of sand. Knowing this is so, don't retreat to your corner any longer! Courageously move towards others - be there for others and let them be there for you. Be that strand in the web that makes it stronger."

- Hebrews 10:25, Religion-Free Bible

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ink In The Room

it stayed in the room 
like octopuses ink
it wouldn't let either of us 
dismiss it 
avoid it
even as it quickly disguised 
itself with autotomy

your words 
all blackish
foot in mouth 
you are always so careful with words
truth makes fools of us

both of us knew what it revealed
it made us uncomfortable 
stretching over the top

it lingered in the room 
a melanin cloud 
others saw it 
not knowing  
it disoriented 
serving as shield
stinging their eyes
causing them to look away

I've done the same thing
wrapped up conversation 
to stop it from going further
made myself believe what I wanted 
distorted words to sqeeze inside my belief box 
cutting them off to fit properly 

I have made myself comfortable 
at other's expense

and now to see it 
so clearly 
in you

I look up to you