Thursday, October 31, 2013

In Out-Of-The-Way Places Of The Heart by John O'Donohue

In out-of-the-way places of the heart,
Where your thoughts never think to wander,
This beginning has been quietly forming,
Waiting until you were ready to emerge.

For a long time it has watched your desire,
Feeling the emptiness growing inside you,
Noticing how you willed yourself on,
Still unable to leave what you had outgrown.

It watched you play with the seduction of safety
And the gray promises that sameness whispered,
Heard the waves of turmoil rise and relent,
Wondered would you always live like this.

Then the delight, when your courage kindled,
And out you stepped onto new ground,
Your eyes young again with energy and dream,
A path of plenitude opening before you.
Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening;
Unfurl yourself into the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life’s desire. 

Awaken your spirit to adventure;
Hold nothing back, learn to find ease in risk;
Soon you will be home in a new rhythm,
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.

Monday, September 23, 2013

I Want To Be Alive With You [By Toko-Pa Turner]

I want to be guided by older-ups. I want babies to be born where old people die. I want to be sandwiched in the middle of a messy togetherness.
I want to be warned before I do something stupid. I want to be forgiven when I do it anyway. I want wisdom to be tapped out on my eardrums and not Googled. I want transitions to be recognized by fire.
I want gifts to be educed from children. And teenagers and adults and I want to mean something to my community. I want to get drunk on substance morning and night.
I want to hear your dreams. I want to raise a revolution for gentleness. I want to call out the bullshit on consensus reality. I want to get rich so I can billboard the highways with validations.
I don’t want to be another faker. I don’t want to show you my good side and hide my humanity. I don’t want to dole you out my Self in digestible status-chunks. I want to challenge you in long, drawn-out rituals and still find you interested.
I want to feed you seventeen course meals made with spices I crushed. I want to recite you circular poems, each beginning cutting a deeper grasp. I want to make you feel something, even if it’s awkward. I want to sing you songs which are ancient and new.
I want to carve stories in trees with tools my elders fashioned. I want to keep sharpening them. I want to find places we’ve never been. And then, I want to return there, but backwards.
I want to shuffle up words so we don’t sleep through them. I want to learn things and then be splashed into never forgetting. I want to make you feel seen. I want to hold your pounding heart in my gentlest of hands. I want to make your thing feel like my thing.
I don’t want to miss a moment. I want to dig at the bottom and find it false. I want to turn up unknown depths. I want to stand in this hurricane and sing the sweetest, most naked song you can bear.
I want to be alive with you.

Via Rebelle Society

Thursday, September 19, 2013

“No person, trying to take responsibility for her or his identity, should have to be so alone. There must be those among whom we can sit down and weep, and still be counted as warriors.” 
― Adrienne Rich

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

waiting freedom

at day's end
what was abandoned
in struggle 
was tucked in stacks of business cards
clutched tightly
I can't remember how
it wasn't lost

a tangled 
love / freedom
flight / light 
this bird: 
purchased with his cash
and worn  
in regalia 
to encourage the rising

as dark minutes terrorized
wolf archetype
attributing details 
to play slow
in foggy denotation

a necklace
worn backwards 
to not show it's color 
like my hope / green
like my strength / yellow
like my pride / black
always dialing back the brilliance
motif is surely easily fixed
repair shouldn't be costly
but oh how it costs
So I keep it here
waiting to be ready
for conclusion
will this bird 
set to flight? 
or cast off?
either way 
freedom is waiting

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Story Telling

“Whatever I do, however I find a way to live, I will tell these stories. I have spoken to every person I have encountered these last difficult days...I speak to these people, and I speak to you because I cannot help it. It gives me strength, almost unbelievable strength, to know that you are there. I covet your eyes, your ears, the collapsible space between us. How blessed are we to have each other? I am alive and you are alive and so we must fill the air with our words. I will fill today, tomorrow, every day until I am taken back to God. I will tell stories to people who will listen and to people who don't want to listen, to people who seek me out and to those who run. All the while I will know that you are there. How can I pretend that you do not exist? It would be almost as impossible as you pretending that I do not exist.” 
-David Eggers [What Is The What]

Friday, August 2, 2013

From Letters To A Young Poet by Adrienne Rich

Look: with all my fear I'm here with you, trying what it
means, to stand fast; what it means to move

Monday, July 22, 2013

Where the Wild Things Are (film)

Douglas: Will you keep out all the sadness?

Max: I have a sadness shield that keeps out all the sadness, and it's big enough for all of us.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


one, two
it's important I count them 
and if I can time it  
then I feel yours too

listen to a
three, four
whatever became of you? 
did it empty that moment
lapse with the second hand
revolution in one breathe 
loss skipping next

I take in each heartbeat
claim internal swell 
shame leeching 
at the point of dilation
writing itself into the rhythm
hitting at it 
hers was an acting out 
mine a never acting
soon every second is seizure
either way you play

five, six 
all the way to 100
this time will be different 
checking pulse 

Is artery tunnel? 
as I take in each pump
deeper exploration 
and did you know you share a heartbeat 
with those you tunnel dwell with? 
sleep next to in soft heat 
we share one heartbeat 
we rise and we fall

I started writing about you that night

I started writing about you that night
and the next day you said you wouldn't make it
one word
then talebearing 'til 2
like skipping stones 
even if painted with bright lacquered lines 
they sink

I said I would hold it loosely
find value
so I wrapped esteem around tight
crocheting transparent lines
leaving space open 
residing in ambiguity with you 

it opened up
nearing worship 
like peeking in
being spoon fed 
one succinct moment at a time
I am probably too careful 

and if it hurts 
it is the kind of ache that also pulls
as your value and the corresponding risk increase 
it washes out in glowy middle
pinching as words turn to her

I would talk about it
if it paid it proper respect
and why is it so easy to talk to you? 
and you are careful too

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Friday, June 7, 2013

You Painted The Galaxy

you painted the galaxy, child 
dialing gamma 
I think you have the ability to call it to you
then, you left paint in the sink 
I scrubbed it out and thought about 
universal law 
like the law of what a mother should never have to do

and the moment where I heard you
and you could tell 
like a child-led equation
adults are too logical
= don't explain away my feelings
you never spend time with me
= you aren't present with me

I'm sorry
for not listening 
until I finally did
Thank you for making it so clear
you made it painfully clear, my child
there is no heartbreak like a mother's 

You say you are an expert 
at eavesdropping 
and you assign color to thoughts
color = emotion 
so you know what thoughts to listen to 
and what thoughts to ignore
you practice on strangers 
but sometimes you misread mine
you read that I don't love you 
how can that ever feel true?

I have learned that feelings can deceive even the most intuitive listening
so I have to say it out loud
I have learned that words don't say it all
so I have to sit in it as I speak
I love you
Do you feel loved now? 
I will never leave you

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

the space the unknown creates

I am untidy
with travelers clothes
everyday a day trip
to the surface 
to be visible
chaos has joined me in underwater grotto
love follows quickly behind 
it thrives in subterrane 
(the space chaos creates)

as water ascends like spirit
matter floats out of place 
desks, chairs, floorboards
a reminder of the trouble I cause 
just from existing inside

bubbles take their stand
each with a tiny red flag
marked with a quick note 
in micron pen 
some of them have sketches
with detailed instructions

I try to force them into 
pie chart ink 
they read:
just before they wash away

As this building falls 
the rubble hovering 
into apartment landings 
stairwells leading into unspoiled halls 
the stories attach to new bricks like barnacles 

We walk up to the door 
Opening it to strangers 
Telling stories
I integrate 
I bloom 

In willful ambiguity
(the space He creates)
The mystery unfolds

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

If I am the church

you and I  
church and people 
if I am the church

there's this question
this tie
does it bind?
love / hate 
one or outside?
marketed healer
but basal pangs 
censure cure

we are a mass 
of entangled threads 
and I am the tilted cog 
in it's heart 
slowing it down
to bicycle speed
lagging with clarity

if I am the church
where is the steeple?
my love for the church
deep, abiding 

we generate this
I fashioned the center
I begrudge
my own heart
in it's study

this oscillating story 
like biblical narrative  
set in vibrancy
sensitive by creation 
called to bloom in it's center

if I am the church 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


like outsider art 
the underbelly has always existed
finding each other in caves
seedy bars 
and coffee shops

gently or angrily
pushing when they say to pull
as counterpoint
to the mechanism we think He needs 

He keeps Inverting 
As a rule, using the names
of those outside 
who we like to 
let exist 

but, He has never been inside
He is in the outsider 
telling us it doesn't matter out there:
where we were born
who we were born to
what they did to us
what they did for us 
disordering our stories
tangling and re-casting 

This is what we felt in him 
You did feel it? 
He called it the kingdom of heaven
and it is in us

Monday, January 28, 2013

My people

You know they are your people
When they refuse to engage 
That blackened story crafted in youth
Actively carried on each morning 
Told to gather pats

You, my people, instead
Hold my head in your hands 
Collect my eyes 
Even feeble, fearful 

You show me my brightness
Dingy reflection 
But still, light 

You will know them 
When they resist the urge to look away 
As your voice cracks

They hold that gaze 
As long as it takes 
To rewrite the lines told 
With a bold ending worth believing in

When I pull that thread as hard as I can 
Only to come undone 
My people do not wrap me up 
Sheets stay folded 
They wait

They sit with me 
All gawky 
And we laugh
Heaving laughter
We are ridiculous together

You are my people 
A tribe
Tiny gang 
And I return, kindred 
Believing each of you worth the effort 
To bare all with 
To story tell with 
To pioneer and burrow with

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Here’s What Our Parents Never Taught Us, Shinji Moon

Posting this seemed important to me today, maybe because I am molting.  

The poetry of Shinji Moon is all kinds innocent while at the same time breathless... And I love that. 

Here’s What Our Parents Never Taught Us, Shinji Moon

Here's what our parents never taught us:

You will stay up on your rooftop until sunlight peels away the husk of the moon,
chain smoking cigarettes and reading Baudelaire, and
you will learn that you only ever want to fall in love with someone
who will stay up to watch the sun rise with you.

You will fall in love with train rides, and sooner or later you will
realize that nowhere seems like home anymore.

A woman will kiss you and you'll think her lips are two petals
rubbing against your mouth.

You will not tell anyone that you liked it.
It's okay.
It is beautiful to love humans in a world where love is a metaphor for lust.

You can leave if you want, with only your skin as a carry-on.

All you need is a twenty in your pocket and a bus ticket.
All you need is someone on the other end of the map, thinking about the supple
curves of your body, to guide you to a home that stretches out for miles
and miles on end.

You will lie to everyone you love.
They will love you anyways.

One day you’ll wake up and realize that you are too big for your own skin.

Don't be afraid.

Your body is a house where the shutters blow in and out
against the windowpane.

You are a hurricane-prone area.
The glass will break through often.

But it's okay. I promise.

a stranger once told you that the breeze
here is something worth writing poems about.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Courageously Move Towards Others

"It's this simple, we need each other. I wish I could open your eyes to the interdependent web of all existence. You're an integral part of it! We weren't meant to travel alone, and yet we do just that - we go to our separate corners and suffer in silence. We carry our burdens and wounds alone, we wrestle through our fears, hurts, insecurities and confusion on our own. I have a request that's going to require something big of you. Come out of hiding! Risk being vulnerable. Open up yourself to another human being, and show up and be this for others. Our lives are an hourglass and our days are slipping away like grains of sand. Knowing this is so, don't retreat to your corner any longer! Courageously move towards others - be there for others and let them be there for you. Be that strand in the web that makes it stronger."

- Hebrews 10:25, Religion-Free Bible

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ink In The Room

it stayed in the room 
like octopuses ink
it wouldn't let either of us 
dismiss it 
avoid it
even as it quickly disguised 
itself with autotomy

your words 
all blackish
foot in mouth 
you are always so careful with words
truth makes fools of us

both of us knew what it revealed
it made us uncomfortable 
stretching over the top

it lingered in the room 
a melanin cloud 
others saw it 
not knowing  
it disoriented 
serving as shield
stinging their eyes
causing them to look away

I've done the same thing
wrapped up conversation 
to stop it from going further
made myself believe what I wanted 
distorted words to sqeeze inside my belief box 
cutting them off to fit properly 

I have made myself comfortable 
at other's expense

and now to see it 
so clearly 
in you

I look up to you