Tuesday, September 25, 2012

maybe the kingdom of heaven is...

maybe the kingdom of heaven
is in us
it is inside (small) 
and outside (big) 
and you are housed
in it all
while we are housed 
in you

if everything is connected 
maybe it is the joint 
as we bend
in accord we spin
but for each (micro) movement 
we make 
each decision
you adjust (macro) 

living in your kingdom breathe 
reconciliation becomes infinite 
but so sure

maybe it is the thought 
that creates chemistry 
and the air that all the earth (creation) follows 
the gravity that make us fall hard

like birds in pattern of
we, in community, 
working it out

you place us side by side 
each selection ripples
moving the whole
like a love machine
we work 

you said it isn't about me
but it is... isn't it? 
only bigger 
it is bigger

we are shaped
like birds 
like microorganisms 
like star cluster
and you have us

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