Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Flat Living

New Blog for a new time in my life.

My old blog was all about raw foods and as I have not been living on a raw foods diet since I got pregnant with Gus it has been silent for a while.
This blog will be about raw foods, but it is also about everything else that God has and is taking me through and asking of me...

It is about "Flat Living" which is a concept that God showed me through prayer of what He wanted my life to look like.

The picture is of a life compressed, a lifestyle flattened... so that God has a bit more room... or hopefully a lot more room. Now do not get me wrong, I am not saying that God needs me to flatten everything so that He can be big. He is big no matter what I do. What I am saying is I am being called to make my life smaller so that He can be bigger in my life, and in the life of my family.

He has been working on me towards this for such a long time. And honestly I have not listened. I have been disobedient when he asked me to shrink. I believe when I first heard this concept it was presented to me in a way that made me believe when God asks us to be smaller it is not literal... it is just a spiritual concept. And I guess... if you want the results of this process only effecting your inward life... that would be fine. BUT, I want it to effect my outward life as well as my inward one. I want God's beauty to have room to grow and push out and bloom and overtake and envelop. In fact, it is that I have no other choice then to ask Him to take over where I have been sorely deficient in life.

More on what this actually means for my life later... because it means a lot of radical change.

But generally here are the areas I see for now that need to shrink:
  • Finances - No debt (Dave Ramsey)
  • Body - Raw foods (David Wolfe)
  • Home - Smaller, simplify what we own.
  • Car - Paid for and used less.
  • Community - more unified (live closer to work, school, church, where you shop).
  • Food- local, organic, whole, raw, less packaging.
  • Trash - less trash.
  • Carbon footprint - smaller.
  • Consumerism- live on less. Buy used, fair trade, hand made.
  • Giving out- when everything is smaller you can give out more.

What is beautiful... is all of these attempts to live smaller are circles... and all of the circles run together. This is how I KNOW this is the way we are intended to live (or at least closer to) and as our circles get bigger and bigger and less and less connected we will find more stress and less balance. We are living bigger and it is harder for us physically, emotionally, spiritually. This, I believe, is God's way of letting us know that this is not what He has intended for us.

I will post on each of these independently, so stay tuned.

1 comment:

Mitzi and Jerry said...

I am glad to see you blogging again!