Friday, December 9, 2011

The part that was too painful to share

There is this part

The part that was too painful to share

So I held it here, just here, in my tight hands

And it melted down to my belly round

(pain sits in your belly if you do not share)

So I held this part and it was dark

That part, was the darkest part so far

And I tried to push and it wouldn't move

I tried to speak and you couldn't hear

So I kept that part

And the darkest part was the strangest part

And the hardest part was too much,

Much too much to share

So I kept it here

I'm sorry, but I kept it here

And that part is round and it keeps things in

It keeps me from all kinds of things

And I cry at night sometimes

Replaying, just that small part

Like you recorded that part

And I try to push and I try to speak

But that part is hard so I grunt and scream

And they mess with me

Stop f***ing messing with me

Let me feel this part

1 comment:

Mitzi and Jerry said...

Beautiful and painful and true.