Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I lay down my rights

I lay down my rights 
the right to happiness
the right to be right 
the right to make you 
make me feel happy
the right to make you 
be / do anything

I lay down my right to fix 
I lay down my right to make 
To try 
To create what can only be created thru HIM
To create what can only be corrupt in my efforts 

I lay down my attempts 
I lay down my control 
I lay down my will in the matter
my opinion 
my goals
my hope 

I lay down everything 
And commit only to exist 

Echoing an ancient cry 
Of hollow discontent  
In a posture of waiting 
To be filled 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just what I needed to read this morning. Thank you.