Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mary's Song is My Song

Lately as I poke my head into Advent services while 'checking busying working' I hear her calling.  She keeps singing her song gently in my ear. It is as if every moment I walk past a word from her song is breathing into my spirit, and now with the third Sunday of Advent complete... her song is growing in me. 'Your song is my song' she seems to be saying, 'join me'.

My soul lifts up the Lord! 47My spirit celebrates God, my
Liberator! 48For though I’m God’s humble servant,
God has noticed me. Now and forever,
I will be considered blessed by all generations.
49For the Mighty One has done great things for me;
holy is God’s name! 50From generation to generation,
God’s lovingkindness endures for those who revere Him.
51God’s arm has accomplished mighty deeds.
The proud in mind and heart,
God has sent away in disarray. 52The rulers from their high positions of
power, God has brought down low.
And those who were humble and lowly,
God has elevated with dignity. 53The hungry—God has filled with fine
food. The rich—God has dismissed with
nothing in their hands. 54To Israel, God’s servant,
God has given help, 55As promised to our ancestors,
remembering Abraham and his descendants in mercy forever

And every word sparks another pull. These stories... these biblical narratives are about me, they are a call. "Will you answer the call" - words spoken by a visiting pastor prior to Advent speaking about Joseph (not the father of Jesus, the man with the colored coat). 

I pulled up Mary's song today and I read it and as I did I saw the commentary from the Voice. 

Mary is deeply moved by these amazing encounters—first with the messenger and then with her cousin, Elizabeth. Mary’s response can’t be contained in normal prose; her noble soul overflows in poetry. And this poetry isn’t simply religious; it has powerful social and political overtones. It speaks of a great reversal—what might be called a social, economic, and political revolution. To people in Mary’s day, there is little question as to what she is talking about. The Jewish people are oppressed by the Roman Empire, and to speak of a King who will demote the power- ful and rich and elevate the poor and humble means one thing: God is moving toward setting them free! 

My song is Mary's song. 
Mary's song is my song. 

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