Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve Conversations

Ugh! It is so painful to even read this old post. 2008.

And yet it is even more relevant to me & even more important to have that painful conversation.

Here is the thing...
Redemption just is looking very different.

What I thought I wanted was for God to make everything "right" meaning tidy it up and make me & my marriage look like what it is "supposed" to look like.  I really wanted God to just be a co-conspirator in my hiding. He didn't do that because He so deeply loves me.
I get it now.  *Or at least I am starting to get it.

And so here I put up this Christmas Conversation... again.
And that last line... true.

Christmas Conversation

Let me tell you the story
The one I didn't want to hear
Of the Son
Baby, angels, a star
Let it cast light on your darkness
Like traced silhouette
Yes, even now

Set your eyes, child, on that star
Look for it in the East
Like a beacon to follow when nothing else makes sense
Look for it and follow
Even blindly
How long?
As long as it takes

Sing now, the songs you don't feel like singing
Sing it even if mouthing the words
Like practice makes perfect
Your voice will arrive

And your voice will sing
And it will not look anything like what you thought

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