God keeps showing me the picture of a sheep to illustrate to me 'being' ultimately vulnerable in a way that is 'stupid'. 'Bah'... stupid sheep! A picture of vulnerability, nakedness, ultimate exposure even in the face of fear. You might not see the beauty in being a sheep when the wolf is right there licking his chops. You might not understand, in fact it is something that is difficult to understand. But I know that as I walk as a sheep I have found the most amazing peace. It is all about love pushing out fear and it is a wondrous way to be.
Call me stupid. Call me ignorant. Call me weak. Call me blind. I am none of those things!
I am a sheep who has learned to depend on the shepherd. I am laying down, freshly sheered in green pastures, waiting for the next part of my story. The wolf has no power, fear isn't welcome, it was always just a trick of the mind. I have been a trusting person all of my life and I will not let any external circumstances change that about me. I will not harden my heart.
I bought myself this necklace to remind me to be sheep like in the midst of my dealings with those things which threaten me. To remind me of what His power looks like in the middle of hardship. To remind me to stay true to myself, to trust him & dismiss the need to control the outcome of everything that fearfully 'could be' & embrace the truth of what is. The truth that I might not be 'ok' (if you want proof of that there is a running list and I can get you a copy) but I am truly deeply & eternally loved and my father thinks that I am beautiful.
So I wear this necklace and I chant the 23rd Psalm. Hoping that in the chanting of it the mantra will become embedded in my heart and shield it from all the hurt that surrounds.
Psalm 23 (the Voice)
1The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for
me always.
2He provides me rest in rich, green fields
beside streams of refreshing water.
He soothes my fears;
3He makes me whole again,
steering me off worn, hard paths
to roads where truth and righteousness
echo His name.
4Even in the unending shadows of death’s
I am not overcome by fear.
Because You are with me in those dark
near with Your protection and
I am comforted.
5You spread out a table before me,
provisions in the midst of attack from
my enemies;
You care for all my needs, anointing my
head with soothing, fragrant oil,
filling my cup again and again with
Your grace.
6Certainly Your faithful protection and
loving provision will pursue me
where I go, always, everywhere.
I will always be with the Eternal,
in Your house forever.
Baaa. Make room!
You know I love you. :) Who thinks you are stupid? Is it the proverbial "they", which translates to "what we ourselves really think about ourselves"? In other words...I am growing horns, so, if someone is picking on you, I am ready to butt...but if it is just that fear launching missiles on its way out the door, then I get that too, and I will be in the pasture to remind you whose you are.
Love you,
Thank you for posting. <3 The Lord keeps giving me visions and glimpses of "sheep" in the most profound and odd circumstances. Funny how when teaching the Godly Play lesson about the Good Shepherd and the sheepfold a few weeks ago, I felt like it reached me just as much, if not even more so, than it did the kids! Now I am reading about sheep on your blog. Funny how God works sometimes.... This was from a completely different perspective than what I have been feeling/hearing. Love it. And love your heart. <3 The Lord is working through you. You are not stupid. You can never be anything other than what the Lord say's you are. Remember that.
Love - Manda
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