Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Eve Conversations

Ugh! It is so painful to even read this old post. 2008.

And yet it is even more relevant to me & even more important to have that painful conversation.

Here is the thing...
Redemption just is looking very different.

What I thought I wanted was for God to make everything "right" meaning tidy it up and make me & my marriage look like what it is "supposed" to look like.  I really wanted God to just be a co-conspirator in my hiding. He didn't do that because He so deeply loves me.
I get it now.  *Or at least I am starting to get it.

And so here I put up this Christmas Conversation... again.
And that last line... true.

Christmas Conversation

Let me tell you the story
The one I didn't want to hear
Of the Son
Baby, angels, a star
Let it cast light on your darkness
Like traced silhouette
Yes, even now

Set your eyes, child, on that star
Look for it in the East
Like a beacon to follow when nothing else makes sense
Look for it and follow
Even blindly
How long?
As long as it takes

Sing now, the songs you don't feel like singing
Sing it even if mouthing the words
Like practice makes perfect
Your voice will arrive

And your voice will sing
And it will not look anything like what you thought

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mary's Song is My Song

Lately as I poke my head into Advent services while 'checking busying working' I hear her calling.  She keeps singing her song gently in my ear. It is as if every moment I walk past a word from her song is breathing into my spirit, and now with the third Sunday of Advent complete... her song is growing in me. 'Your song is my song' she seems to be saying, 'join me'.

My soul lifts up the Lord! 47My spirit celebrates God, my
Liberator! 48For though I’m God’s humble servant,
God has noticed me. Now and forever,
I will be considered blessed by all generations.
49For the Mighty One has done great things for me;
holy is God’s name! 50From generation to generation,
God’s lovingkindness endures for those who revere Him.
51God’s arm has accomplished mighty deeds.
The proud in mind and heart,
God has sent away in disarray. 52The rulers from their high positions of
power, God has brought down low.
And those who were humble and lowly,
God has elevated with dignity. 53The hungry—God has filled with fine
food. The rich—God has dismissed with
nothing in their hands. 54To Israel, God’s servant,
God has given help, 55As promised to our ancestors,
remembering Abraham and his descendants in mercy forever

And every word sparks another pull. These stories... these biblical narratives are about me, they are a call. "Will you answer the call" - words spoken by a visiting pastor prior to Advent speaking about Joseph (not the father of Jesus, the man with the colored coat). 

I pulled up Mary's song today and I read it and as I did I saw the commentary from the Voice. 

Mary is deeply moved by these amazing encounters—first with the messenger and then with her cousin, Elizabeth. Mary’s response can’t be contained in normal prose; her noble soul overflows in poetry. And this poetry isn’t simply religious; it has powerful social and political overtones. It speaks of a great reversal—what might be called a social, economic, and political revolution. To people in Mary’s day, there is little question as to what she is talking about. The Jewish people are oppressed by the Roman Empire, and to speak of a King who will demote the power- ful and rich and elevate the poor and humble means one thing: God is moving toward setting them free! 

My song is Mary's song. 
Mary's song is my song. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The act of hiding

I catch lies
in the story
of him
in the story 
of me
(apple minded snakes and all)

I catch truth 
but the words still come
like they are held in fizzy soda pop
instead of vocal cords
('it was him, not me')

I don't like being 
the liar
the one to blame
I would rather not ask for forgiveness 
if it means I'm wrong

if forgiveness 
is the strongest superpower 
strength lies in my weakest point

so wrong is wrong 
and here I say sorry
sorry I hid
sorry I lied
sorry I was so afraid 
of what you would think 
I didn't give you a chance to think anything

sorry I am still hiding 
because I am afraid of you
afraid you will not love me
for who I really am 
(clothe me)
sorry for seeing each of you 
as a need to pretend 
instead of seeing you as a lifeline to love

I got lost in being right
stuck in the wrong song 
wrong key
(eden was there)
(promise was there)
I forgot

if sin is the act of hiding away from God
and the darkness this act creates is what creates death/ pain
and if hiding our nakedness from each other stems from this act
(every sin is found in relationship)
maybe the naming of rules / law
was an attempt to call us out
(towards him/ each other)
and instead we followed the rules 
and hid (again) behind right

Friday, November 9, 2012

Words and what happens to them

words spill out of me
like I have had them inside 
for a long long long time
saying 'long' one more time seems needed here
not excessive 

when words spill out 
and there is no one there to catch them
do they disappear?
such a good question 
a question that needed to be typed 
and held 

who is there to sit with all these words? 
Is it silence?
Does silence hold answers?
If so, she'll never speak them 
I know silence 
at least in my car 
and there, she is kind of a nag
I don't trust her at all 

so many words
that so clearly don't express it
and for every single word 
there are a thousand left 
still waiting
never said

will they disappear?
or does that nag 
take them with her 
like a scottish folk tale 
stealing babies 
from their beds
replacing them with 
closed mouthed fairies 
pretty to look at

Monday, November 5, 2012

“Hope, do you find strength?,” Shinji Moon

Hope, you are what my sister saw when she stood
looking across the mountainside of Sedona, Nevada.
When she came home she brought stories of 
medicine men and shamans and taking long walks
towards god, and we sat around the kitchen counter
counting red stones she took from the heart of a healing
land – an acorn stone, small animals of jade —
and a crushed up bottle with the palest of red sands inside.
Hope. When the medicine man asked her what she saw
looking at the silhouette of those white-peaked shifting plates,
she said your name, and he told her that what she saw in those mountains
were what decorated her own bones.
It is summer and the milk dew of our home keeps leaking into my lungs, 
into my skin, into my always autumn heart that keeps blushing
from red lips to orange leaves to yellow, yellow
the yellow of the sun across Picton waters, to the pale of
the veins of dried leaves, its heartbeat
its heartbeat
so much like
my own.
Hey Hope, do you hear me? 
I’ve been meaning to talk to you for days now
about something or another, about the way
my hands feel too small when I screw them on in the morning
as if I can’t hold anything in them
that doesn’t drain through the bottoms.
Hope, do you hear me?
I’ve been trying to call but the last few digits of your number
are smudged by my last boy’s rain, and I keep clinging
to a flat line that doesn’t exist 
but still I feel you pump my lungs
when I’m toppled over into myself with my knees rubbing
against my chest like I’m a cricket who lost its meter, and
Hope, I want you to know
that I believe in you like I believe in the soft heart
of my sister, who tumbled the glass of our childhood
with her palms so that I would never have to tread on anything
but a sea glass world, and
Hope, I want you to know
that I am here — thin wrists and gawky words
and screwed on limbs.
I am here. Listening. 
With every ounce of my fist sized heart.
I am here.
Hope, do you find strength? 
Do you know if its in season?
Because I’m trying to bake together a beautiful world
and the neighbors won’t lend
a cup or two to make this 
goddamn dough rise.
“Hope, do you find strength?,” Shinji Moon

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Pain of Labor / Emotional Pain

I texted my friend/ mentor last week saying "I am not sure what is going on... but I feel a contraction coming"
He said "I am right here holding your hand"... He knew exactly what I was talking about.
He had heard it in my voice before, right before I wrote this.

It is the strangest sensation... like labor, but instead of physical pain it is a wave of emotion that overcomes and moves through me.  As it ends & I rest into it, it brings clarity. The closest thing I have experienced similar to it is grief.  Maybe that is what it is... but I don't think so.

And what are these waves of emotion delivering? No idea, but I know at the end I will be forever changed.  For now, what I learned from birth is helping me learn and move through it. Here are the lessons as I connect this to giving birth, written more for me than anyone who might read them.

A woman's voice changes. When you are moving into active labor your voice and demeanor change.  You go from panic to a determination that anyone can see. A women in active labor is a force and you best move out of the way. It has been told to me, and I am beginning to see it... my voice is changing. 
You won't die and it does end. The pain of contractions are so intense and as they begin you know they will get worse. The fear as they come on can be as intense, but clinching or holding your breath won't keep it from intensifying. It is exactly like the fear of going crazy from the emotional intensity I have had recently. The "I might go crazy or die if I really let myself feel it all". But you don't die and it does end, giving you a chance to rest up before the next wave or push begins. Past a certain point your brain kicks in and washes the pain out. There is no pain past a point, no pain you can't withstand. 
The pain is there for a reason. The pain of childbirth is there for a reason. It is accomplishing change and it is doing it's job. Emotional pain is there for a reason too, so feeling it and allowing it to do it's job is your only option. 
You are not in control (let go). When you become pregnant your body takes over and there is nothing you can do to change the outcome. You will give birth and you will have a baby, it is a one way train. Your body takes over and you loose all control. You have to let go, you have no choice. And that is exactly where I am at emotionally... on a ride that I have no control over. I must let go. 
It isn't pretty, but it is beautiful. When you are in the middle of active labor it is all kinds of messy.  You are not looking your best and you don't give a shit.  If anyone around you cared what you looked like or expected anything but a wreck you would kick them out of the room & tell them to F off.  Labor is messy & loud ... you will curse, moan, sing, squeeze anything that is close & fight for it. And in the ugly mess of it all is the most beautiful window into life and beauty.  And those who love you will see that and never question what you had to go through to give birth.   
You can't stop it. But there is freedom in this, you can't do anything wrong. I mean, there is nothing you can do to not have a baby, and there is nothing you can do to mess it up.  You will give birth whether you breathe "correctly" or not. Your body will work it out. And if I trust this process I am actively going through now I can trust it will do it's job with or without me & decide to just go with it. Don't fight it. 
You are amazing. After I gave birth I remember feeling like the most amazing human on the planet.  I mean... I gave birth to a human... out of my body came life... don't mess with me!  You feel like you could literally do anything. No fear is strong enough to stop you. And everyone looks at you like you are miraculous... because you are.  

When I figure out what I am going through I promise to let you know.
But for now, if you see me in my messiness either look away or tell me I am beautiful & catch a glimpse of the mucky business of something beautiful being born.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

maybe the kingdom of heaven is...

maybe the kingdom of heaven
is in us
it is inside (small) 
and outside (big) 
and you are housed
in it all
while we are housed 
in you

if everything is connected 
maybe it is the joint 
as we bend
in accord we spin
but for each (micro) movement 
we make 
each decision
you adjust (macro) 

living in your kingdom breathe 
reconciliation becomes infinite 
but so sure

maybe it is the thought 
that creates chemistry 
and the air that all the earth (creation) follows 
the gravity that make us fall hard

like birds in pattern of
we, in community, 
working it out

you place us side by side 
each selection ripples
moving the whole
like a love machine
we work 

you said it isn't about me
but it is... isn't it? 
only bigger 
it is bigger

we are shaped
like birds 
like microorganisms 
like star cluster
and you have us

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tried and Failed

I tried.
I tried my hardest.
Gave it my best effort.
And failed...
at being a good wife.
at being a good mom.
at being a good person.
Failed in countless other ways.
I have fallen so short that there are no words that can make up for the shortcomings.
I failed, and I am sorry.

"I want to know if (I) can live with failure, yours and mine, and still stand on the edge of the lake and shout to the silver of the full moon, 'Yes!'" - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Friday, September 21, 2012

name it

whatever it was 
it wanted us to itself 
it came underneath us 
ripping the rug
acting out a cue 
so tactile memory would fall into place

maybe if we name it 
it will bring us to 
what it had for us 
in the first place

the memory now set
I can recognize 
something I still haven't named 
it was earlier still 
wasn't it? 
do you remember? 

whatever it is 
we should try nameing it now
and in that moment 
claim promise 
change hearts 
to the lesson 

maybe it owns us anyway
already turning us into air and flame
and this process is 
the why that I was carrying on about

Friday, September 14, 2012

Maybe the weight is love?

I feel it
take it in 
every bit

the intensity
is a weight 
like water soaking a sponge to full
and being rung out empty

if every room
contains a bit of every person who enters
soaking up words & feeling
maybe that is what I am 
a room 
a space 
where it all is held
my walls
my tapestries
my body
the barometer in the room

no wonder 
I feel like I am on the outside looking in
is community something for me? 
what part of the story has me in it? 

“The weight of the world is love. Under the burden of solitude, under the burden of dissatisfaction the weight,the weight we carry is love. ” ― Allen Ginsberg

Sunday, September 2, 2012

If a heart can break from

If a heart can break 
from being kept 'as if'
I have burst my heart
told it to hide 
because it was not worth the 

If roots can be stripped
and told to not feel alive
I have crushed my roots of all energetic pulse
spoken into them 
a hundred lies
to make the dance stop

If your core can be smothered
it would not be from hands
(hateful hands take blame well)
but from false submission
used to bury real thought
In my silence I spoke it out
"You should be punished"

If your life force
can be left out to dry 
clipped by abandonment 
set to fade in a fake expression
my false voice 
can be blamed 
it called me undeserving
and withheld love

but possibility
sets to work
remnants of truth 
in dormancy
manage to force a bloom 
creative power
and the colors of thirst
peek out

even in the hostility I created
love, in a spring of tears
begins to overflow

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I've noticed lately how much I invalidate my own feelings.  My language is always apologizing or excusing or explaining or poking fun at what it is I feel.  It's easy to recognize how much other people "hold you back" but it isn't as easy to see that you are holding yourself back far more than anyone else has the power to hold you back.

I have been experiencing what I am calling EXPANSION lately.  Let me try to explain what I mean... In small & big ways whenever I feel myself hit the brick wall of life I have PUSHED PAST it or maybe I should say I LET GO & God flips it on it's head and all of the sudden the "brick wall" is a door.  I realized as I worked through this that this is the point of "expansion" which I see in the parable of the yeast.  The point where the kingdom of heaven is in us.  I have more to work through to understand what I am describing. So more on the kingdom of heaven part later... for now here is a poem I wrote.

It feels like this expansion point happens (so far) at the worst moments. The more desperate you are, the bigger the push "past it", the bigger the possibility to expand.  What I have experienced on the other side of this expansion is pure beauty, God in all His glory... showing off.  Saying "I am bigger than you can imagine & I am holding it all & it is all connected!"  I have experienced some mind blowing clarity at this point of expansion. It is crazy making & at the same time makes you want to go ahead and go crazy because it is THE way to be for sure.

The experience I am referring to has been in many areas recently, but let me give you a specific instance so you can see what I am talking about... 
I was walking through a difficult time on top of several other difficult times this past month.  (Why does that happen, by the way? Why does everything always happen all at once?  Maybe because the bigger the desperation the more you are willing to FIGHT to push!? I don't know.)  My 83 year old father who has been living with me the past year and has Parkinson's and Alzheimer's went, in a matter of days, from an 83 year old man with mild dementia to an infant.  He literally could not get up and needed me to attend to his every need.  It was a situation that was so far past my ability and outside of my control, there was no way for me to care for him and get him the help he needed on my own.  I had no alternative but to ask for help and I was horribly desperate because I really thought my father was dying.  
I took him to his doctor and then the hospital & quickly was facing that I needed to place him in long term care.  This idea was an idea I had fought, I felt like he would die as soon as he was in a home.  I worried he would be mistreated and would feel unloved and give up hope.  The brick wall I hit was not being able to care for him the way I wanted to and felt I should.  Fear & guilt was keeping me from getting him the help he needed and if I had put him in the home without facing that fear and pushing past it... maybe the outcome would have been different.  I cried out and let go and all of the sudden I realized it was all how I was looking at it.  Maybe it would be the worst home in the world, but there was a possibility that it was going to be the best.  Better yet, there was a possibility that we could make it the best.  I made room for that possibility & I shifted my perspective or God shifted it and that wall became a door, an opportunity for expansion. And here is the beautiful part, not just mine, it could radiate out.  The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast which a women took and hid in the flour until the entire mixture expanded. Maybe light would come into that nursing home and be felt and affect the other people there.  I began teaching my kids about lighting up a room with their smile. About how much you can change a person's face by chatting with them and we have made it our mission to make as many people smile as we can whenever we visit.  My dad has his own light to shine and he is shining it (whenever he is not in a grumpy mood that is).  I also worked hard at changing my language with him and myself about the transition to a nursing home.  I began telling him that I was looking for a "healing place" for him to go to.  This absolutely affected his mood as he entered the home and I overheard him telling a nurse "my daughter was looking for a healing place for me & I think she found it! This is a healing place."  Yes it is. Is it a healing place because it is a good home or because we believe it is a healing place? Both!  

And now I begin applying this to other places in my life.  I begin asking myself the question: "How do you create room for the unexpected to happen? For more that you could ever expect?"  I mean when you are making bread you allow room for expansion.  You make sure that bowl is BIG.

I begin applying this to the obstacles I see in front of me, the things I see as hidden dark places that I need to bring to the light.  The fear I have of people not loving me if they really knew.  The things I believe are holding me back that maybe aren't really holding me back.  The flour in my life that is stagnant, waiting for yeast.  I'm not gonna lie, I feel afraid even as I write this. It is the "take a deep breath and jump once you can not push any further" moment. The part that is painful but as I see what waits for me on the other side of it... it motivates me to push harder past the pain and helps me to LET GO of even more in my life so the Kingdom of Heaven can overtake it. Heck I might just let go of the whole thing and see what happens!! Watch out, make some room!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

If you don't stop that

I used to live in
A cramped house with confusion
And pain.

But then I met the Friend
And started getting drunk
And singing all

Confusion and Pain
Started acting nasty,
Making threats,
With talk like this,

"If you don't stop 'that' -
All that fun -


Monday, August 6, 2012

he held my hand so tightly today

mind out of focus
lost in words 
sometimes syllables are even lost
yet when I look in his eyes 
we connect

he is soaking up love
you see his deepest need
it is exposed
what a beautiful side to see

he held my hand so tightly today
as if to say
"I am not going anywhere"
"please don't leave"

I believe children arrive connected to God
today I saw him 
connect that same way
like they were resting in each others arms
'I saw him come so close to God
I saw God come so close to him'

I have seen this before 
so I watched for it 
and when he was close
I listened to every rambling word

a bit of heaven 
resting in each word
like the dna of each word was a puffy cloud
I am paying attention 

it is the purest love 
between father and daughter

I am feeling it all
wide open 
here I am dad
thank you for letting me be affectionate with you today 
I know it calms you 
helps you rest 

I love you
I am learning to let you go

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Timing Conversation

your timing
I am angry
I am calling you much worse things than a needler
crying to you
snotty wet messy wreck of a cry
You hold me tightly
dads get old
it is still unfair
that it is happening now
literally same day
it is like I was holding it all up
and since I am breaking
it will all fall
it is like you want me to shout 'mercy'
what else do you want from me?
I have messed it all up

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just a piece of paper

It is just a piece of paper, a goodbye & a full moon.
All on the same day.
A mark of time, a sense of loss, a beautiful sadness.
I am feeling every bit of it. Wide open.
I wouldn't choose to feel less or dull it.
I am free. I am grateful.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Today, heart open

I have the sense of my heart stretching open
like I am performing a pose
heart on hinge 
I hear the creek of rust 
metal on metal grinding 
dust blown away from heavy filing
I feel the painful stretch of valves not used 
achey joints
pulled into place
I am not afraid anymore
of what waits
I have seen enough to know 
I can trust
this is me
light flooding

Monday, July 16, 2012


It slipped in like a cloud inside my room
Unnoticed, until it was directly overhead

Waking, expecting tears,
But there it was
Wrapping it's arms around me in a quick squeeze

Happy without you
It is not a sin to be happy

I understand
You are afraid of my happiness

Light is glowing all around me 
It can not be contained
It is already overtaking
Fear has burst into light

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Inviting my life into the woods!

There is nothing like getting away.  So after seeing the most recent Wes Anderson film, Moonrise Kingdom, I decided to plan my own escape into the woods.  I jokingly started making an inventory list with all of the quintessential stylized Wes Anderson items that made the trek into the woods in Moonrise feel like childhood innocence and magical escapade rolled together.

I did escape to a 3 day adventure with my two children plus one tag along child.  But as the adventure came to an end and I returned home with messages and problems waiting to grab hold of me just as soon as I arrived, I had that inevitable sinking feeling of adult reality.  During a difficult time for me that feels like it has lasted a lifetime, I have to admit I was feeling a bit overwhelmed and disheartened upon my return.  Must I return back from my magical forest adventure? Why is reality so real?!!! The uneasy stomach feeling began to surface as I neared home and the well known tears oozed as I saw familiar landmarks.  The cell phone literally became an evil beacon of reality which I almost turned off to escape for just a few more hours.

I started thinking I shouldn't let this "escape to the forest feeling" leave.  Maybe I could hold onto and savor that feeling of tranquility I had created for my adventure... in my mind.  To do that, I started thinking about and trying to express what it was that was such a release for me when I was away and what it is rushing in on me as I returned.  Do I really have to live with a stomach ache and pulses of stress hormone washing over me? No.

As all of this ran like a mini film in my head, I had a radical thought, instead of leaving the woods mentally... I could invite my life into the woods with me. We (my life and I) could escape together. 

What if I decided to live in tranquility, in peace, in harmony and invited everything/ everyone to join me there?  I quickly had every image of the "green pastures" & the "promise land" that I have been so drawn to and shown so much about recently join the thoughts of this "escape to the forest feeling".

What was so radical about these thoughts for me?
Boundaries.  I have been working hard on NOT having boundaries lately. Don't have a stroke, let me explain.  I had realized that all of my carefully crafted "boundaries" which I thought I "should" have to be "healthy" and create (IE:control) a good life were in actuality designed to keep love OUT & were something I was using to protect myself, and control those around me. It was an ugly realization. I had to let go of this need to control & protect in order to let God in and I had to do it at all cost.

I lost the "boundaries" & committed to spending some time laying down and being "naked".  Even if it was painful and even if it was frightening I stripped down and saw for the first time how addicted to shame, fear, hiding and control I was.  It took a lot of trust in God & a huge dose of courage to be vulnerable.  I will not say I am sorry I have done this, however, I will say that it hurts really badly to be vulnerable with people who know nothing but hurt.

I had to create this place of ultimate surrender to let love in, but how would I keep the painfulness from charring the green pasture and eventually causing me to close myself off again?  After all, the Shepherd guides us off difficult paths into a safe place. He lays a banquet before us in the presence of our enemies.

This new idea of LIVING in the green pastures and inviting my life in... is radical for me because I can see that this is the answer to opening my life up to love.  It is ultimately inclusive, all are free to enter.  You know where to find me, I am in the green grass... the promise land.  However, if you are unwilling to enter... you will not find me.  I will not close myself off from love but I will not loose my peace or tranquility or leave my place of promise for anyone or anything.

So, here is your invitation to adventure into the greenest most lush life imaginable. I am entering in & you are welcome!!! I have love enough for you & that will not stop... but this is my new address.  

If you can't make it, I'll be sure to send a postcard!

Monday, July 2, 2012

The sound of it all unraveling

There are some things that you should let unravel.
Some things that, try as you might, are too frayed to be put back together.
You can patch and sew and work... but it will still only be rags.

I think this is the case.

So I am putting up my darning needles and putting away the scraps of fabric used for patching.
I am letting it all fall down around me.
Look away if you don't like what you see.
Don't be afraid, don't feel bad for me, don't feel the need to throw a blanket around my shoulders.

Sorry if this isn't what you wanted to see from me.
But my Father loves me and thinks that I am more beautiful than the pile of rags I was crafting to hide myself.
This is between Him.... and me.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

filling buckets with bile and tears

if I had collected my tears 
these 21 years
tears shed by hurt you caused
I could fill a bucket
and that bucket emptied out 
many times over
could fill this room 
and this room filled many times 
could fill an ocean

If I could open my mouth 
Spitting out toxic bile 
poured into me by words you have spoken
It would fill another bucket 
then that bucket emptied out 
would fill every house we ever lived in together

is it any wonder I feel like this now
look around at this 
spend the last breath that I will actually listen to 
telling me that it was my fault
I am finished crying 
finished taking the toxic sludge in

There is nothing about what we had together that I would recognize as love
It was all bile and tears

Friday, June 29, 2012

Response to "Promise Land & the place called Portend"

Now the Lord is not slow about enacting His promise—slow is how some people want to characterize it—no, He is not slow but patient and merciful to you, not wanting anyone to be destroyed, but wanting everyone to turn away from following his own path and to turn toward God’s.   

2 Peter 3:9 (the voice)

It just FEELS slow. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Promise Land & The Place Called 'Portend'

What I wanted
Since I was a child
A place named 'promise'
A safe place
Where all needs are met with abundance
No more pushing around
Slander silenced as you enter 
Insults become vapor 
Drowned out by dripping honey, sweet

In longing for this 'promise' land 
Childishly, I created another place
Called 'portend' 
I created a place where the last drop of honey was used 
To glue together the bits 
Left over
Making the best of it 
Never enough

Because I longed for safety and home 
And because I gave it an effort 
Are you saying I deserve less than a promise? 
You said you loved me

You felt me yearning 
Yes, it wasn't for you 
So you let me wander 
let me 'try'

I wanted nothing more than safety 
You left me in the stickiness
To figure it out
Couldn't you have told me it wasn't worth my time? 
Spared pain times pain? 
That is not your way
Well, what is your way? 

You build into us a deep hunger 
An instinct for the plan we have lost 
But then you let our instincts evolve to cope
And you call that coping sin nature
Or is that what I call it?  
I might have deep intuition 
But I am deeply at a loss

Show me the promised land 
I have walked out of portend
Into the strong tide of desert dune
The sandy pull of a heart broken 
Please do not leave me here
I know all about myself now, I know. You've told me so often. You haven't left me one rag of illusion to clothe myself in.
Jean Rhys

Sunday, June 17, 2012

I use water to pretend

I pretend I am floating outside of it
without the gravity of this place
like a heavy metal weight
with a brand scratched into the surface
that says "enter here and have it lifted"

I pretend to have unlimited buoyancy
I pretend to have an upward force inside
although the 'upward force' usually seems real
I call on it and it brings me to the surface
quickly, once I speak it out

I use water to pretend
that I am inside a pocket of breathable air
leaving the rest of the world immersed
floating like noah, I suppose
Although I would never let you drown

long baths, the ocean
using water to suspend my body
outside / inside
where everything else is displaced
I am in the in-between
emptied out

I shout thinking the sound will be contained
but it carries
I let my voice seemingly crash
only to have sound waves surface and bend
being amplified

those sounds expose me
as I try to swallow them
like cheeks blown up
and then slapped